Alora Unleashed
Alora Unleashed - Conscious Creation & Personal Growth
30. Doing that task well - even when you don't like the task

30. Doing that task well - even when you don't like the task

The reason behind the energy behind the task.

Let me walk you through:

  • an major, oh-my-gosh epiphany I had about my issues with clutter

  • the feeling that tasks will heap themselves upon you if you do them well

  • the freedom from that pattern

  • a tool to look at your task/energy patterns so you can see what you are really manifesting (even if you don’t want it or know it)


  • The guilt of wanting things transformation

  • Wallace Wattles: The Science of Getting Rich

Here’s to your awesome life!

Alora Unleashed
Alora Unleashed - Conscious Creation & Personal Growth
Conscious Creation, Personal Growth, Communication, Intuition, Spirituality UNLEASHED
with Alora