Alora Unleashed
Alora Unleashed - Conscious Creation & Personal Growth
24. Seasons of life, big and small, matter more than we are paying attention to

24. Seasons of life, big and small, matter more than we are paying attention to

The yard stick of milestones - how do you feel about it?

I want to talk about the milestones we are “supposed” to have and how we may not even realize there are milestones and developmental stages we don’t know about.

What is our natural growth and what was “expected” growth and how do we - or did we - end up feeling about it with ourselves?

When we can see that there are two things going on - our natural evolution and our expected evolution - we can get rid of blocks, shame, and more simply by even knowing about it.

Knowing unlocks understanding. Understanding is healing.

Alora Unleashed
Alora Unleashed - Conscious Creation & Personal Growth
Conscious Creation, Personal Growth, Communication, Intuition, Spirituality UNLEASHED
with Alora